thoughts we have in the wee small hours

Weird the thoughts you have and the things you remember when your mind starts to wander.  Take this morning for example.  As I stood in my kitchen at 4am chopping veggies for a pot of soup my mind started to drift to what I wanted to write about today.  I was planning on writing about last Saturday when I went to Violate, and I may well write about it later, but then I started thinking about a story I read in a comic book when I was a kid.

Not sure why I started thinking about it other than the fact that I was stood in the kitchen at 4am preparing what would be my lunch and dinner.  The comic book was one of those designed for girls (although I did once have a fine collection of Beano and Dandy as well lol) , I think it was called Mandy but it may well have been any of the girls comics that were around back then.  The story was about a girl who was always complaining about how hard done to she was, how unfair life was and how horrible her parents were for making her clean her room etc.

Then one morning she awoke to find herself as a maid in Victorian times.  The moral of the story was to make her more appreciative of her real life and show her just how hard life used to be.  Up before the larks making sure the house was ready for when the Mistress of the house got up, making beds with flat sheets and layers of blankets (none of this fitted sheet and duvet nonsense, oh no), meals that take hours to prepare and cook (no food processors or microwave ovens back then).  Yes, a miad’s life was a busy one, and always with the threat of punishment if the work was not done well.  I’m sure many an hour would be spent in the cupboard under the stairs if you were sloppy with your chores (and that was if you had a nice Mistress).

But I’m sorry, all I saw at the time was the cool outfits of both the staff and the gentry,  and the fact that the Mistress of the house got to dish out orders and punishments!  Sod the morality tale, the Mistress role sounds good to me!

You know something, I always tell people I got into this role late in life and more through chance than desire.  But when I look back at certain aspects of my youth I sometimes wonder lol.


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